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Sustainability and EUROBIKE 2022

16 Mar 2022

Sustainable actions have been part of everyday practice at EUROBIKE for a long time and are at the very heart of everything we do. In the move to Frankfurt, we are now going one step further.

As an event location, Messe Frankfurt has committed to the goals of the UN Global Compact (an agreement between the UN and businesses) and for years has been performing various measures aimed at sustainable management. Travel to the venue is an important factor here: approximately 70 per cent of the CO2 footprint created by large events is emitted during the outward and return journeys. The site of Messe Frankfurt offers us many new opportunities to facilitate a sustainable EUROBIKE. 

Emission-free travel

EUROBIKE LANES - Frankfurt is rolling out the red carpet for bikes


The city of Frankfurt is setting up extra-wide EUROBIKE LANES that will make it quick and easy for visitors to cycle directly to the entrances of the EUROBIKE trade show. It will be a kind of red carpet for bicycles, visible throughout the state capital, and ensure that bikes are attractive means of transport everywhere in the city, while making the green transformation of the transport sector not only visible but also clear and tangible to those not attending the show. 

Supervised bike parking, free rental bikes, EUROBIKE MAP


And there are more benefits for visitors to the show: secure bicycle parking spaces are available at the entrances, and a special EUROBIKE MAP will help newcomers to the city to find their way around quickly. Those without their own bike can rent one free of charge for the first 30 minutes using the “Call a Bike” scheme run by Deutsche Bahn. As you can see, the EUROBIKE team and Messe Frankfurt are making the city smart in  time to welcome the bicycle industry. EUROBIKE will show the bicycle for what it is: a sustainable, climate-friendly and future-proof means of transport.

Free day ticket for local public transport, reduced ticket prices from Deutsche Bahn for long-distance rail travel


Alongside the bicycle lanes, the local public transport network will also play an important role: every EUROBIKE admission ticket automatically comes with a free day ticket for the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund. Deutsche Bahn is additionally providing an allocation of saver tickets for long-distance rail journeys. The show organisers recommend their guest speakers involved in presentations and congresses to come by rail. Appropriate CO2 compensation will be levied on any flights. Not only is it desirable for visitors to avoid using the car when travelling to and from the show – it also makes a great deal of sense.

What the show organisers are doing

Waste consultants, green catering, renewable energy and recyclable materials


In addition, the EUROBIKE Team is also organising a wide variety of sustainable measures on the exhibition grounds. This starts with specialist support in the selection of materials for booth construction and extends to catering. Recyclable materials play an important role on the exhibition site. One of these measures, for instance, will see special “Cradle2Cradle ” mats made of reusable materials put to use. To supply the catering, the trade fair is opting for partner companies from the region offering fresh, seasonal products. The number of meat-based dishes is being reduced plastic cutlery and non-returnable bottles are being avoided completely. In order to save energy, the halls have an intelligent temperature management system as well as smart lighting. Furthermore, set-up activities will not take place on night shifts – wherever possible.


The topic of energy in general will have a high priority at the Frankfurt trade fair location. For a number of years now, Messe Frankfurt has already had its own photovoltaic plant, which generates 1.2 GWh of electricity. Any additional energy supplied to the site is sourced exclusively from green power producers. There is also an energy team which adopts an efficient and considered approach to managing power resources. And thanks to close cooperation with the city sanitation company Meinhardt Städtereinigung GmbH, much of the waste generated can be recycled and fed back into the materials loop. Some 40 per cent of the outdoor spaces on the exhibitions grounds have been planted to create small natural oases within the city – even grapevines can be found among the greenery. 

What visitors can do

There are a number of small measures that enable EUROBIKE visitors to make a sustainable contribution to the show. Simply leaving the car home at home when travelling to the trade fair will bring about a substantial CO2 reduction. And to avoid unnecessary waste, we advise using refillable water bottles. Waste separation also has a considerable effect, and is something that everyone can do with little effort.

What exhibitors can do

Exhibitors might like to think about their booth construction before the show and also how they use advertising materials. Providing data in digital form, for example, is a more suitable alternative to printed matter. For booth construction, reusable materials are naturally better, and long-lasting products are more appropriate for small promotional gifts. As the organiser, EUROBIKE is actively supporting exhibitors in their sustainability efforts with targeted consultancy services.

Exhibiting sustainably at EUROBIKE

Sustainable trade fair presence - pdf for download

EB22_Exhibitor Documents-Sustainability.pdf