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The EUROBIKE show tours give you a thematic overview of current innovations and background issues in the industry – the ideal start to your visit.

In addition to showcasing the latest bike innovations and mobility trends, the EUROBIKE offers visitors a wide range of conferences, workshops and networking formats. The trade fair tours combine all these elements – namely knowledge transfer, inspiration and network. The trade show tours cover different themes:

The EUROBIKE 2024 trade show tours


A trade show tour is the ideal way to start your visit to the show. They give you a comprehensive overview of the exhibition grounds and help you to quickly find your way around.

Above all, they introduce you to themed focus areas and innovations, provide an opportunity to talk to the people behind the products or services and give you a curated deep dive into their specific topics. The tours cover a range of themes from specialist topics such as tourism, ECOMOBILITY or cargo bikes to broader trade show tours of the latest innovations or cater for specialist groups such as media representatives.

Please register in advance for the trade show tours you want to join.

EUROBIKE offers the following guided trade fair tours:

  • Ecomobility tour
  • Media tour
  • Bike Travel tour
  • Cargo Bike tour
  • Novelty tour
  • ... more coming soon!

Your Contact

Katja Richarz

Projektmanagerin Kongress & Events, Kooperationen
