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25. - 29.06.2025 Frankfurt, Germany
Register for a WORK STATION!


The easiest and fastest way to get in touch with customers! 

With the move to Frankfurt, EUROBIKE has gotten even bigger, even more contemporary and even more urban. The infrastructure is a dream with the trade fair situated in the middle of the city and the possibilities almost unlimited. The Global Platform - at the Frankfurt location - the claim of this leading world trade fair takes on a new meaning.

With its new location and expanded concept, EUROBIKE is becoming interesting for even more companies, attracting even more new target groups and ensuring even more face-to-face encounters and networking events.

As a business platform trade fair, visitors of EUROBIKE therefore also need new, additive work and meeting spaces. And in Frankfurt, we are providing these for you!

New possibilities

Who hasn't experienced this yet: You're at a trade fair, want to meet someone... and find yourself desperately looking for a more or less suitable meeting point. Or you are looking for one of the rare gastro places to work with your notebook on the side.

We present a new alternative solution for this - the WORK STATION. In an adequate environment you have the possibility to rent an area for meetings, discussions or just for working. Even without a regular stand participation!

Your area will have its own branding, so that you are easy to find and well perceived by your business partners.
The WORK STATIONS can be found in the SUPPLIER AREA of hall 9.2. during the BUSINESS DAYS from Wednesday until Friday.


You are not represented at the trade fair as an exhibitor with your own stand, but still have the intention to meet with business partners in peace or to work in a quiet environment? 

Then the EUROBIKE WORK STATION is just right for you!


Your contact

If you have further questions regarding the WORK STATIONS, we are happy to help!


Thaddäus Geitner

Project Manager Exhibitors
