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Eurobike-Day 02 - JT - 14


"Load up, get set, go!"
Who will win the CARGO EURO CUP?

Eurobike-Day 02 - JT - 13

At the same time that cargo bikes are reclaiming the metropolises, cargo bike races are becoming increasingly popular. In contrast to classic road races, it is not only strength and endurance that count here, but also skill and a sense of proportion.

At the CARGO EURO CUP on the Sunday of the festival from 10.00 am to 02.00 p.m., riders have to load or unload their luggage on each lap of the short sprint course – a thrilling spectacle for the public, who are directly involved in the racing action. But don’t come expecting the gritted teeth and dogged determination of professional sport: these races are events organised by and for the cargo bike community and are all about taking part and enjoying a fun challenge.

