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Industry gathers in Frankfurt's cycling heart

17 May 2023

New network event for the leading global trade fair: Eurobike Pink Wednesday

Frankfurt am Main – A key location in Frankfurt's bicycle culture will be dedicated to the bicycle and future mobility industry on Eurobike Wednesday. The brand-new Massif Central will host the new networking event Pink Wednesday, bringing together industry players, bicycle experts and Frankfurt's cycling community. The evening offers a dynamic framework for garnering new topic-related ideas and promoting networking. The lineup of speakers and hosts promises to provide fascinating input.

EUROBIKE Pink Wednesday

Project Manager Martina Rumschick from fairnamic GmbH explains: "Pink Wednesday will combine background knowledge and gripping stories with actual cycling culture. But the evening also symbolizes Eurobike's arrival in the heart of Frankfurt."

Pink Wednesday will take place on Wednesday, June 21 at 7 p.m. at the Massif Central (soft opening 6:30 p.m.). Many of the brightest minds from different corners of the bike, mobility, sports and culture universe will come together as part of the networking evening and offer insights into their respective subject areas. They will act as hosts at the various topic tables.

Erik Bronsvoort will host a table on Sustainability. Among other things, he works with the nonprofit organization Shift Cycling Culture to ensure that the industry develops from the inside in a climate-friendly manner. Kirsten Pfaue heads the M – Street Mobility Turnaround Office in the Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Her table will focus on the issue of Politics. Christian Lichtenberg, a commentator who covers professional cycling for TV channel Eurosport, will be speaking on the issue of Sports + TV.

Allan Shaw founded the cycling cap brand Gay's Okay and will be attending Pink Wednesday both as a speaker and as host of the Travel table. Allan will be speaking at Pink Wednesday about ultra racing through the Silk Road Mountains and his role as an LGBTQ+ activist in the bicycle industry.

Deutsche Bahn will round off the range of topics with company mobility and the question of what inspires people to embrace sustainable mobility.

Eurobike at Massif Central – a perfect match

As the first corporate event, the Eurobike community will be a guest in style in the newly opened Massif Central in the former Bethmann Bank (Bethmannstrasse 7), located in the cultural cycling heart of Frankfurt. Massif Central is a café, bar and art venue rolled into one and is located around the corner from Frankfurt City Hall, known locally as the Römer. The venue is home to the guilty76 collective. Mastermind and the person behind the initiative, Florian Jöckel, CEO of guilty76 Artist Management and Massiv Central: "You'd be hard pushed to find a better location in Frankfurt for the topic of cycling. We are pleased to welcome old and new faces from the cycling and mobility sphere. As the first corporate event, Eurobike Pink Wednesday is also a fitting kickoff for us."

Tickets for Pink Wednesday (199 euros) include high-quality catering and access to Eurobike on the Wednesday. They are now available from the ticket shop ( ).

The 31st Eurobike will be open from Wednesday, June 21 to Sunday, June 25, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Festival Days: Saturday and Sunday. For more information visit:


About Eurobike:

Eurobike is the central platform of the cycling and future mobility universe. Together with visionaries from politics, business, society and the mobility industry, it creates space for communication, new ideas, change of perspective, and strong partnerships for innovative mobility solutions and new business models. With Eurobike, the booming and rapidly changing bicycle and future mobility industries have found a common platform. It sets new standards and identifies key topics in the areas of sports, leisure, health and mobility, makes continuous progress and brings the global community together live. 

About fairnamic GmbH:

With the founding of fairnamic GmbH, the trade fair companies Frankfurt and Friedrichshafen are sealing a partnership focusing on innovative mobility. The market position in the future markets of bicycles, e-bikes, light electric mobility and general aviation is strengthened by pooling expertise and market knowledge, global positioning, brand strength and speed. The joint venture focuses on the Eurobike and AERO brands and their satellites. The objective is to expand and further develop the two flagship trade fairs.
