The platform that gets the rethinking rolling

Together with you, we want to make the journey to the Eurobike more sustainable. We create an emotional incentive to get people excited about cycling.
Why Because transfer is a head matter!
Based on these examples, you can see the immense potential for savings when traveling to the trade fair if all visitors leave their cars at home and only switch to bicycles for the last few kilometers in Frankfurt:
On then bike, set, go protect the environment and save money
The following examples show you the immense savings potential of traveling to the trade fair. Imagine if all visitors left their cars at home and only switched to bicycles for the last five kilometers in Frankfurt, then so much could be saved:
Come by bike and do your own calculations on
What does
- Turn traffic around instead of just talking about it
- Enthusiasm for cycling
- Motivate to rethink and change
- Set you on new paths can be used as a digital tool in organisations, companies and municipalities for active traffic change. Because is just the beginning, there is much more in it for everyone.
All arguments for switching to the bike are available on to join in and spread the word. stays in your head as an invitation, is easy to remember and concrete. You can set your own traffic turnaround in motion again and again every day.
From the head straight onto the bike!

Vom Kopf direkt aufs Rad!
- Free premium version for trade fair visitors
- No login, no registration
- 100% data protection compliant
- 1.6 million ready-made routes in Germany
Ride premium now!

Download the and unlock your EUROBIKE premium version of the by scanning this QR code in the app
Who we are
A young company from the bicycle city of Oldenburg with many years of experience in the business bike leasing sector and with the will to get as many people as possible on their bikes. Our goal:
Together with you, we want to get another 4 million people in Germany on their bikes by 2030.
Join us – SteigUm & SteigAuf
Here you will find us on the fair: Hall 8.0 – Stand M10
Or make an appointment with us now:

Thomas Conrady +49 (0) 151 17996412
Sina Schumacher +49 (0)441 9985 80-84
Jannis Lange +49 (0)175 8141088