"Heroines" presented by fahrstil & EUROBIKE

In 2025, cycling culture magazine fahrstil is putting the heroines of the cycling world on stage of its annual Europbike Trendlounge exhibition. After all, heroism is a ubiquitous concept, especially in cycling sports – where it is associated with athletic performance, self-conquest and the will to physically suffer. However, the stories are almost entirely about male heroes.
When it comes to heroines, things are somewhat different: in addition to their equally outstanding sporting achievements, we also find social overcoming and the will to mentally suffer in an extremely male-dominated world. This is why the heroines of Trendlounge 2025 have also acted and made a difference in social, economic and cycling policy contexts. fahrstil wants to create awareness, supplement patriarchal historiography, express admiration, show respect and celebrate the heroines without whom our cycling culture today would be quite different.
The Euroike Trendlounge serves as a “walk-in edition” of the fahrstil magazine and complements the printed themed issues with a unique exhibition. Around 20 exhibits are brought together under one thematic roof, their stories are told and similarities and differences are highlighted. A guided tour through the collection, jazzy lounge music and refreshing drinks make the scene evening at the world's leading trade fair a special experience.
EUROBIKE TRENDLOUNGE takes place on Friday, 27 June 2025, from 18:00 in the Galleria.