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SHARING IS CARING: Getting people into cycling

Sharing – redesigning accessibility and new markets through business models, while focussing on new markets and European cities, who - according to the effectiveness of their bike sharing schemes - sparking widespread interest among European cities and policymakers. The Panel identifies the potential for bike sharing to make a much-increased contribution to the EU’s mobility, climate and cycling policies, and to highlight key performance indicators for successful deployment of bike sharing.

Speaker overview

  • Christine Wenzel, TIER Mobility
  • Alexander Volokhov, DVB AG
  • Mareike  Rauchhaus, nextbike GmbH
  • Anton Nikitin, City of Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Prof. Dr.  Malte Ackermann, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen